How to Study Chemistry Equations Given by Your Teacher

Post in Chemistry

Everything seems a lot simpler in middle school. Science is not only an easy subject but an interesting one as well. However, the minute we are made to study chemistry in high school it seems like trying to learn a new language from scratch. The problem lies in the fact that students do not concentrate on equations which consist of at least 80% of every chemistry test.

All hope is not lost; earning good grades is simply a matter of technique, focus and determination. Mastering equations in chemistry means that you will have to start at the beginning and solidify your knowledge of basic chemistry. With a little time and following the tips given below, the end result will be more than satisfactory.

Ways to Study Chemistry Equations

Remember, each student has a set method or way of studying various subjects. If any method does not suit your schedule or daily routines, switch it around. Trying other techniques will improve your ability and boost your capacity for the intake of knowledge.

Combine the following tips in a way that serves your purpose!

  • Prepare for Chemistry


  • Study Math

Solving equations in chemistry means solving math while using different elements and their properties – which is why math is crucial in the study of chemistry. If you are unable to comprehend basic mathematics, chemistry becomes far more difficult.

Hence, in order to fully understand equations ensure that you are able to solve quadratic equations and logs. They will be the most useful in your study. Students who struggle with mathematics are usually in a similar spot with regards to chemistry.

  • Understand Basic Concepts

Before proceeding on to complicated theories, formulas and experiments ensure that you have a concrete, clear knowledge and understanding of core concepts and theories. This includes memorizing the periodic table. The periodic table makes solving equations significantly simpler. Understanding basics also means that it will not be necessary to repeatedly learn the same points or facts over and over again.

  • Work Strategically

Answer each question in a test or an assignment paper in a step by step procedure, regardless of whether it is easier or quicker by skipping a few steps. Constant practice in this manner ensures that the basic formulas and concepts are not easily forgotten. Once you’ve perfected these equations it’ll be easier to answer them in tests or examinations.

  • Use Flash Cards

Perhaps the most efficient study technique; flash cards can be turned into a game as well. Chemistry is one subject that accommodates the use of flash cards to memorize elements as well as their properties which are essential when solving equations. Experiment with different methods of study to find one that suits your technique and schedule. Remember – do not waste more time on preparing the flash cards than studying them.

  • Experiment with Different Methods

Studies have shown that mnemonic memorization works best when there is a significant amount of information to remember. The mnemonic technique means that different objects are associated with what you’re trying to remember. Learning via association is definitely the easiest way to remember anything that is difficult or complicated. The time taken for memorization is also speeded up.

Associating elements need not be only a mental technique. Use objects in order to solve complicated equations. Using all your senses increases mental capacity and retention abilities as well.

  • Researching Chemistry


  • Textbooks

Perhaps the most obvious resource as your disposal is the textbook that has been assigned at the beginning of the year. It will have everything required for the entire year. Study the concepts explained in the text thoroughly – skimming texts is not sufficient, there are many points that will be missed along the way. Answer questions as you go from one chapter to the next. Revise each chapter regularly so that studying for examinations is less stressful and problematic.

  • Internet

Living in an age of technology, internet sources offer a wide variety of options. Finding an answer to even the most random questions seems simple an easy. If one explanation isn’t enough, you can search for something else. Look up quick, easy and fun tests and quizzes to enhance problem solving skills, understand topics more efficiently and remember whatever has been studied thus far. There are many short test papers based on equations in online professional websites that can be used to keep yourself in constant practice.

  • Developing Study Habits


  • Maintain a Routine

Perfection is born out of habit. Developing good habits makes studying chemistry equations much less complicated. A routine ensures that there are regular hours of studying and practicing chemistry in your daily life. Even an hour of study every day means that retaining will be easy because there is never the opportunity to forget; hence, because you remember and understand easier material advancing to more complicated aspects of chemistry is relatively simpler.

Initially, routines will seem drab and uninteresting but once it settles in, not studying chemistry will seem odd or out of place.

  • Take Notes

While using laptops in classrooms seems like an efficient way of working. Hand written notes aid in memory retention and understanding. Take detailed notes of what the teacher is teaching. Take down pointers and tips, including anything that has been mentioned as an important. This will make the studying process relatively quicker.

  • Group Studies

Like mathematics, chemistry can also be studied in groups. Even a single study buddy is helpful. Each person can use their skills to help the other whenever a problem arises. Thus, solving equations and helping each other comprehend difficult definitions and concepts. Group studies also help when you’re wondering how to wrap up physics homework in no time.

  • Get Reliable Help

If you encounter many speed bumps while studying or are unable to understand equations after long hours of effort, the first person to go to with any problems should be your professor. Apart from that hire a tutor or ask a parent for guidance. So long as the internet is available, there is no lack of options. A variety of online services assist with chemistry homework, as well as detailed instructions on equations.

Other tips:

  • Stay calm. Do not get stressed when you’re unable to understand or solve equations.
  • Keep practicing equations regularly – not just before a test.
  • Use specific notebooks to keep a track of theory and equations. This will make searching for required information easier.
  • Stay focused on daily goals. Do not give up till they are completed.
  • Try to develop a keen interest in the subject.
  • Experiment with innovative methods of study.
  • Challenge yourself regularly in order to grow and learn more.
  • Go beyond the scope of the syllabus to understand different theories.
  • Take teachers advice. After all, they have years of experience.

Keep in mind, studying, doing well and achieving goals depends on how hard you’re willing to work to get where you need to! Everything is achievable if you set your mind to it!